My existence is profound.
'm just hanging around,
therefore I am.
Lady looking for her cat.
Guy wants me to buy a hat.
Therefore I am.
Drunk girl asking for the pub.
Dealer offers me a job.
Therefore I am.
Lady tells me to get a life.
Man apologizes for his wife.
Therefore I am.
Activist with a petition.
Jehova's witness on a mission.
Therefore I am.
Girl says I'm an introvert.
Guy warns me not to flirt.
Therefore I am.
The country must unite!
Or move further to the right.
Therefore I am.
This parking spot takes rent.
Homeless person needs a tent.
Therefore I am.
Tour guide calls me a statue.
Tourists leave a nice review.
Therefore I am.
Guy says I look like someone.
Kid loves his blowgun.
Therefore I am.
Comedian creates a trend.
Influencer calls me her friend.
Therefore I am.
Pickpocket expected more.
Monk calls me mentor.
Therefore I am.
When you feel down
or out of place,
put your feet on the ground
and take up space!
:3 :3is he now there seems to be up to 2 bugs at a time here....  ''Is there anyone out here? I'm starting to get lonely, here. Anoyone out here to help me..? I'm not sure if I'll be alright. Unless she's back.''
((THIS IS LORE TO THE SILLY LITTLE MOTH THAT I CHOOSED- NOT IRLL)) Therefore The bugs post on the wall.

And therefore, we are. wunderbar! So good to see that this site hasn't lost it's creative momentum. HooHoo says: I absolutely love this one.