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naam: Vacheverte
latijns:cassida viridis - schildpadtorretje
features: I am big and green. You can call me bigmac. Or, you can call me Big Green Bug, or BGB.

To Vacheverte.
well, Vacheverte, 20 Mei 2004 22:46
that's quite an interesting santa bug you've got there. I must admit I've never seen any santas buzzing around in my back yard.

To Vacheverte.
great cardsecards.here Vacheverte, 12 Apr 2004 22:46
that's awesome... but i don't really get the lightbulb one. Are the letters supposed to be moths getting burned by the lightbulb? Why doesn't the lightbulb make a crash when you click on it and it falls? the things that make you go hmm...

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